The Proposal was one of the only romantic comedies that I enjoy to watch over and over. Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds were perfect for this movie. Sandra playing the mean boss in the movie and Ryan playing her assistant was perfect. The movie was pretty original so I enjoyed that about it, but mostly I liked the comedy aspect of it. The “foreign dancer” who also is licensed to marry, who is also the butler. That guy is hilarious throughout the movie. He even gets pretty much deported at the end of the movie because he isn’t a US citizen. Basically the premise of the movie is that Sandra is Canadian and her American visa has run up and has to be deported unless she can think of something. She blackmails Ryan to marry her and quickly. So that weekend they go to her parents’ house in Alaska. Throughout their stay in the house funny things happen to both of them but most of all they fall in love. At the end of the movie Sandra has grown so attached that she can’t stay with the whole act of they are in love and agrees to leave the country. Ryan gets a flight back to NY where Sandra is basically about to leave and tells her he loves he and says the line “Marry me so I can date you”. It was all mushy gushy. The rest of the movie though was quite impressive especially the acting but that is expected with these two very well-known actors/actresses. Some quotes that I liked were “Do you prefer Margaret or "Satan's Mistress"?” “You can do this, but that would require you to stop snacking on children while they dream” “Fun fact about Andrew number 11: I like Pringles….. They're delicious. All Hostess products. Coke, never Pepsi, and beef jerky.” “What am I allergic to?.... Pine nuts, and the full spectrum of human emotion.”
My Top Movies

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
6. Get Him to the Greek
Get Him to the Greek was a sequel to Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Both of these movies have Russell Brand and Jonah Hill. I think Russell Brand is hilarious in his polite British accent. I love that so much. He is an asshole but he tries to come off as a really good guy. The whole movie is about getting him from point A to point B without him partying too much or not getting there on time. Jonah Hill has to basically go through 3 days of straight no sleep and partying with Russell Brand. Every time that they try to get him to the airport he makes up an excuse and makes them postpone the flight. Jonah Hill had one job to do and that is to “Mind Fuck” Russell Brand the whole time. His mind fucking speaking was hilarious. I just was dying laughing the whole time. Although the movie was hilarious it didn’t have the best plot line. It kind of skipped around a lot more than I would have liked to. I understood what was happening throughout the movie but I just wish they pieced it together a little better. The acting was fantastic though. All of the faces and body expressions were spot on. They made it look completely original. Especially Jonah Hill, all his faces that he makes looked original and not premeditated. I loved that about the movie the most. Some quotes that I enjoyed were “You can't outrun me! I'm black!” “That's the best part about the Jeffrey. It goes away and then it comes back.” “Where the fuck are you? I am gonna kill you. Smiley face.” “Time to get our mind-fuck on.”
5. Se7en
Se7en is yet another psychological thriller. I am obsessed with these kinds of movies but especially Se7en. Se7en has a unique twist to it; it incorporates religion into the movie, specifically the seven deadly sins. These seven deadly sins were basically seven murders that had to do with Pride, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Anger, Greed, and Sloth. The serial killer picks specific people who exhibit one of these attributes listed above and kills them in a precise fashion. For example the first was Gluttony and the serial killer killed him by forcing him with a gun pointed at his head to eat until his stomach literally exploded. I loved this movie because the religion aspect of it actually made sense. It isn’t like other religious type movies where they just try and incorporate god or whatever into the movie by adding one biblical scene. This movie was based on religion. The killer in the movie thought he was justified in what he was doing because he was doing god’s work for him and killing people who exhibited the deadly sins to an extreme. At the end of the movie the killer has a box with “Brad Pitts” wife’s head in it. He is face to face with the killer and the killer says to him “I took a souvenir this morning, I showed envy this morning.” The whole psychological part is that the whole time the killer wanted someone to kill him because he envied a normal life so much. The movie was just fantastic. The first time I saw it I was blown away. Some quotes from the movie I liked were “David if you kill him, he will win” “Fuckin' Dante... poetry-writing faggot! Piece of shit, motherfucker!” “He's experienced about as much pain and suffering as anyone I've encountered, give or take, and he still has Hell to look forward to.” “What sick ridiculous puppets we are / and what gross little stage we dance on / What fun we have dancing and fucking / Not a care in the world / Not knowing that we are nothing / We are not what was intended.”
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
4. Anchorman
Anchorman was another Will Ferrell movie that I have watched countless times. I quote this one almost as much as Step Brothers. This movie had a hell of a cast. Pretty much every big name comedy actor/actress at the time was in this movie. This is the only movie that could actually have an anchorman and be hilarious. I just can’t see it being done any other way. This movie has Steve Corell which was an excellent addition to the cast. In my opinion his quotes thought-out the movie was hysterical. Every time he talked he sounded slightly retarded in a very polite way. Best mix of characteristics in a movie. The movie as a whole is very sexist and has a lot of bad humor but I love it. It’s just hilarious. Even to a lot of girls I have watched the movie with have said that it is funny. So it can’t be too bad right? Pretty much this movie is about how Ron (Will Ferrell) loses his Anchor position and goes into a perpetual state of grief. He then gets called back into the line of duty and falls into a bear pit. After all of the trials that Ron went through him and his “women lover” gets a job working for the World News. Throughout this movie hilarious things happen such as dog getting punted, I love lamp moment, and milk was a bad choice.
3. Fight Club
Fight Club was the best psychological thriller of all time. No one will ever be able to top this movie nor will it ever be remade. If someone were to remake it, it wouldn’t even go to the movie theaters. Everything about this movie was a mind-fuck. People say other movies are crazy and they didn’t expect the ending but this one takes the cake. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton were the perfect conflicting personalities for this movie. Brad Pitt as Tyler in the movie is aggressive and incites problems. He is a horrible influence but plays his role quite well. Edward Norton as the narrator and basically the “normal guy” in the movie is passive at the beginning of the movie and does nothing with his life. Goes to work goes home end of day, then do it all over again. He is a plain Jane. He meets a guy named Tyler who is basically a radical. They start a fight club in the basement of a bar. It soon spreads to pretty much everywhere in American because “Tyler” is recruiting people for it. It is pretty much a full on gang now. “Tyler” shows Edward Norton how to make explosives out of soap. They start to make oodles of explosives and they start causing mayhem all over America. At the end of the movie Edward Norton realizes that Tyler isn’t real and he had been doing all of this the whole time. He had two personalities and didn’t remember all of the Mayhem he did while he was under the influence of his counter personality “Tyler”. This movie does a great job of not letting you know that he in fact is insane. You don’t realize until the last 15 minutes of the movie and personally I was like holy shit did that actually just happen. Everything about this movie screams amazing. Acting, directing, and the script was out of this world.
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